Why the poor and the marginalised suffer more
Unequal burden sharing
Climate change is often seen as a problem for which wealthy economies of the North seem to be held responsible for, but where the burden of finding solutions is leading to many justice struggles in places in the global South.
The demand for solutions is opening up new commodity frontiers in the South and we can see environmental justice struggles sprouting up. We can see regularities that connect individual and local sites of conflict. There is an increasingly urgent need to address this unfairness.
Add to that, many of the environmental crises caused by climate change seems to be hitting the less developed countries, which already have more populations who are less ready and equipped to deal with the impacts.
Why some suffer more
The poor suffer more from environmental impacts because they are the ones with lesser, fewer or weaker defense mechanisms. They are the ones who find it harder to relocate, to use substitutes for resources that they once depended on etc.
The groups of people mentioned above tend to suffer more from environmental crises and the question is, why are there higher concentrations of environmental pollution sources in these communities?
This course seeks to enable the learners to understand the complexities of bearing the impacts of climate change. Environmental laws and regulations may be enforced unequally and certain communities may lack political power, or little representative for them in parliament.
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Climate change is often seen as a problem for which wealthy economies of the North seem to be held responsible for, but where the burden of finding solutions is leading to many justice struggles in places in the global South.
The demand for solutions is opening up new commodity frontiers in the South and we can see environmental justice struggles sprouting up. We can see regularities that connect individual and local sites of conflict. There is an increasingly urgent need to address this unfairness.
Add to that, many of the environmental crises caused by climate change seems to be hitting the less developed countries, which already have more populations who are less ready and equipped to deal with the impacts.
Why some suffer more
The poor suffer more from environmental impacts because they are the ones with lesser, fewer or weaker defense mechanisms. They are the ones who find it harder to relocate, to use substitutes for resources that they once depended on etc.
The groups of people mentioned above tend to suffer more from environmental crises and the question is, why are there higher concentrations of environmental pollution sources in these communities?
This course seeks to enable the learners to understand the complexities of bearing the impacts of climate change. Environmental laws and regulations may be enforced unequally and certain communities may lack political power, or little representative for them in parliament.
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3 Lessons